Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ask Dr. Meehan: Why are straight teeth so important?

Some people wonder why Palos Heights, IL orthodontist Dr. Meehan and our team work tirelessly to give our patients straight teeth. Of course it’s nice to have a smile full of evenly aligned teeth, but did you know that straightening your teeth at Meehan Orthodontics can keep them healthier? Straight teeth lead to better oral hygiene, increasing your chances of keeping your own natural teeth for a lifetime!

Straight teeth are less prone to decay, because they collect less plaque—the sticky colorless substance that forms on our teeth and leads to tooth decay; and they are easier to keep clean!

If you’re wondering whether your teeth might cause problems because they are out of alignment, please give us a call to set up a consultation. Dr. Meehan can help you decide whether or not you will benefit from orthodontic treatment.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thanks to Invisalign® with Meehan Orthodontics, mom and dad can have a perfect smile, too!

Hey parents! Are you focusing on your kids'oral health so much that you're neglecting your own? If you've been thinking wistfully about having your own set of perfect teeth, our staff at Meehan Orthodontics can help! We are specially trained to offer an adult-friendly option for straightening teeth called Invisalign.

This course of treatment consists of a set of clear aligners that are molded to fit your teeth using a proprietary technology. You wear them all day and night, except for meals, brushing, and flossing – when you can easily slip them out to make eating and cleaning a snap!

Because they're clear, your teeth will be steadily straightening – and no one will know it but you!

Please give us a call to set up a consultation, so we can discuss the specifics of your treatment.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ask Dr. Meehan: What can I expect during my consultation?

Our main goal at Meethan Orthodontics is to provide our patients with the best orthodontic treatment possible. When you first come in for your initial complimentary consultation, Dr. Meehan will conduct a comprehensive examination to assess your oral health. This will better enable us to determine the best treatment method for you.

Your orthodontic evaluation will consist of an oral and facial examination to assess your oral health. Dr. Meehan will have you take intraoral and facial photographs as well as panoramic and cephalometric X-rays to help determine the proper orthodontic treatment method. Then, an impression of your teeth and bite will be taken to construct a model of your mouth. (This will help Dr. Meehan when examining your diagnostic records).

At your second appointment, Dr. Meehan will discuss your options with you. Our team feels it’s important to take the time to carefully examine your diagnostic records after your consultation so that Dr. Meehan can more thoroughly prepare for your treatment at Meehan Orthodontics. This additional preparation will ensure that you receive the best orthodontic care possible. At this time, we encourage you to ask us any questions you may have about your treatment.

If you are seeking orthodontic treatment for your child, our staff asks that both you and your child attend the initial consultation. We feel it is important that both you and your child completely understand Dr. Meehan’s recommendations before we proceed with treatment.

Give us a call today and schedule a consultation! We look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dr. Meehan asks: Is your child nearing their seventh birthday?

Dr. Meehan will tell you that braces were originally considered to be best appropriate for teens. But these days, kids as old as seven are beginning their orthodontic treatment. Because preadolescent kids are typically not self-conscious, our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists suggest it could be a good idea to start early.

Experts, however, say it depends on the treatment required. Some children who get braces at an early age end up in a second phase of treatment, and end up having braces well into their teenage years despite starting young.

Most orthodontic treatment begins between ages nine and 14, and the folks at AAO estimate most orthodontic treatment lasts from one to three years, with two years being the average. It’s important, however, that children be screened no later than age seven for Dr. Meehan to assess what the best age for treatment is.
Hope this helps! Give us a call if you have any questions about your child’s treatment!