Thursday, July 29, 2010

Meehan Orthodontics is going social!

How do you use social media? Dr. Meehan and team love connecting with our patients online, whether it’s by sharing news on our blog or communicating ideas on our interactive Facebook page. For social media to work, conversation is vital, and that’s why we invite you to join in and tell us what’s on your mind. Although social media is hugely popular these days, we know it is unpredictable and ever-changing.

While we’re taking a little time to research and decide how to best use social media, we thought we’d ask you, our loyal patients: How would you like us to use our social networks? What would you like us to share on our blog? Send us your thoughts or give us a call!

-The team at Meehan Orthodontics

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What are patients saying about Meehan Orthodontics?

Last week, our team at Meehan Orthodontics asked you, our amazing patients, what you most enjoy about your experience at our office. Well, our team received some great reviews! Today, our team would like to share a few with you. Please feel free to contribute your own thoughts about our office! Dr. Meehan and team love getting patient testimonials!

"He is friendly, easy to talk to, and confident about his work. He looks for solutions that are best for the patient, not just trying to achieve the "perfect" bite for everyone." ~David

"He's very good at what he does, he has a wonderful personality and is always very patient in answering any questions I may have. His staff is a wonderful group, smiling and positive. I always look forward to going to the orthodontist because of the great staff and doctor. Also, I like the fact that Dr. Meehan is a younger doctor who is familiar with all the latest technology." ~Marianne

"We really like Dr. Meehan and would refer anyone looking for an orthodontist to him." ~James

"Dr. Meehan is very good at explaining what is to be expected from the treatment, and what he expects from the kids as their part of their treatment. He is very patient with my kids, and they are very comfortable and happy that we choose Dr.Meehan as their orthodontist." ~Bernard

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What do you love about Meehan Orthodontics?

From your very first visit to Meehan Orthodontics our doctor and team strive to provide superior treatment in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. From our professional and helpful staff, to our innovative treatments, our goal is to provide you with the very best orthodontic treatment. We thought we’d ask you, our wonderful patients: Have you been especially impressed by Dr. Meehan's work? Did our team go out of their way to make your day? Are you in love with your new smile?

Whether you’ve just come in for a consultation or your family has been visiting our office for years, we’d love to hear your feedback. Or, you can tell us by posting on our Facebook page or by giving us a call!

Thank you,
The team at Meehan Orthodontics

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ask Dr. Meehan: Is Invisalign® right for me?

Invisalign is a very customized treatment, which is part of why it is so effective, says Dr. Meehan. At Meehan Orthodontics, we use basically a three step process to determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign orthodontic treatment. First, we take an impression of your teeth as they are now and digitize it. Using special software, we look at the current positioning of your teeth and compare it to the way your teeth should look.

Next, we use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. Throughout the course of treatment, you will be required to wear these clear, removable aligners one at a time; each one moving your teeth closer and closer to their final, perfectly aligned position. The best thing about it all? Nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Dr. Meehan is a certified Invisalign provider. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, please give us a call! We would love to schedule you a complementary consultation with Dr. Meehan.